
[轉貼] [2012-05-14]Adam Lambert-Trespassing[wav@416M@CT]

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[2012-05-14]Adam Lambert-Trespassing[wav@416M@CT]

藝人:        Adam Lambert
語種:        英語
唱片公司:        19 Recordings
發行時間:        2012年05月14日
專輯類別:        錄音室專輯
專輯風格:        流行舞曲 Dance-Pop, 歐美流行 Western Pop

Adam Lambert 出道以來的第二張專輯,Adam 追求完美,首首參與創作,經過壹年多的精心打造以及和諸多Ryan Tedder, Claude Kelly , Bonnie McKeee, Benny Blanco, Nile Rodgers, Greg Wells, Pharrell Williams,Dr.Luke等當紅大牌音樂人的合作,新專輯於2012年5月15日發行。

Lambert describes TRESPASSING, which he executive produced, as "an exciting journey through the past two years of my life. It's been a transformative period and I really wanted to make music from what I've experienced. All these songs honestly explore the ups and downs of my reality." In addition to co-writing many of the tracks, Lambert collaborated with an all star list of award winning artists, producers and songwriters including Pharrell Williams, Dr. Luke, Claude Kelly, Benny Blanco, Bonnie McKee, Nile Rogers, Sam Sparro, Bruno Mars, Nikka Costa and BC Jean. Since the release of Lambert's debut album For Your Entertainment in 2009 it has sold over 1 million copies worldwide. Lambert was nominated for a Grammy for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Whataya Want From Me" in 2010 and also released the Glam Nation Live CD/DVD and Acoustic Live! EPs. He is first AMERICAN IDOL to ever tour the world in support of their debut album in the year following their IDOL season. In November of this year, Adam took to the stage in the finale of the MTV European Music Awards to sing lead vocals with Queen, who were being honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Their captivating performance is widely regarded to be the highlight of the entire EMA ceremony and an indication of the outstanding years ahead in the career of Adam Lambert.

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◎黃金制作人Dr. Luke打造第壹主打〈Better Than I Know Myself〉、嘻哈鬼才菲董Pharrell Williams操刀〈Trespassing〉、超級新人王Bruno Mars參與譜寫〈Never Close Our Eyes〉等15首華麗搖滾

毫不忌諱自己性向問題,展現雌雄同體的華麗形象,票選洛杉磯時報的「美國偶像實境秀120位頂尖參賽者」第5席位名單,歌唱實力備受肯定的Adam Lambert,入圍葛萊美「最佳流行男歌手」獎項,可以高亢飆入屬於搖滾的勁道!僅靠壹張專輯《頭條娛樂For Your Entertainment》,締造全球近200萬銷售量、420萬的單曲下載人次!

美國偶像American Idol第八季最有話題的亞軍,搶先抱走Teen Choice Award「最佳實境節目男主角」加冕的Adam,壹路成長過程中累積豐富的舞臺歷練,以至日後於舞臺高歌時,常呈現戲劇化的演出。2009年推出首張專輯《頭條娛樂For Your Entertainment》,空降美國告示牌季軍,拿下澳洲+加拿大+新加坡+紐西蘭等國白金,美國也逼近百萬銷售。獲邀擔綱年度災難鉅片「2012」主題曲〈Time For Miracles〉演唱,挾帶超高人氣的Adam,順勢舉辦名為「The Glam Nation Tour」的全球巡迴演唱會,足跡踏遍美加、亞洲、歐洲多地,門票以99%的高比例幾乎完售,賺進超過285萬美金!打鐵趁熱的以CD+DVD影音雙享受包裝問市《Glam Nation Live》現場收音特典,穩坐告示牌錄影帶榜冠軍位置。不斷制造討論話題,作風大膽的妖魅風格,立足「美國偶像」當季中最具爭議性和賣座歌手之冠!

醞釀多時的第二張《Trespassing》大碟,Adam參予制作、詞曲撰寫大任,同時邀約線上A咖制作群協力掌盤。開場同名曲〈Trespassing〉,由葛萊美加持鬼才菲董Pharrell Williams(布蘭妮、夏奇拉)操刀,敲打濃烈Funky Rock節拍,如啦啦隊般的打擊樂器壹旁陪襯,提供相當過癮起舞的正點之作;增加多量的電氣聲效淋入〈Cuckoo〉中,不失搖滾的重擊猛拍火熱加溫,小心隨樂失控搖擺!Disco Funk團體Chic靈魂支柱Nile Rodgers+精彩混搭70年代靈魂樂的美好時光與時興電子律動的天才小子Sam Sparro,連袂出席〈Shady〉,透露閃亮亮的放客韻味;超級新人王Bruno Mars參與譜寫的電子搖滾曲〈Never Close Our Eyes〉,成為新壹波攻榜矚目歌;第壹主打〈Better Than I Know Myself〉,請來為天王天後制作擡轎的黃金拍檔Dr. Luke (裏歐娜、惡女凱莎)+Ammo(嘻哈鬥牛梗、凱蒂佩芮)和Claude Kelly (克莉絲汀、阿肯)攜手打造,以中版抒情曲式突顯高超唱功,登上成人榜Top19席位。此張魅惑升級版本,追加激昂抒情搖滾〈Runnin’〉、野放的電子搖滾〈Take Back〉、迷離著魔的〈Nirvana〉三首動聽曲目。再次享受Adam的華麗入侵,壹次震撼感官的悸動!


01. Trespassing
02. Cuckoo
03. Shady (feat. Nile Rodgers & Sam Sparro)
04. Never Close Our Eyes
05. Kickin' In
06. Naked Love
07. Pop That Lock
08. Better Than I Know Myself
09. Broken English
10. Underneath
11. Chokehold
12. Outlaws Of Love
13. Runnin’
14. Take Back
15. Nirvana


