
[轉貼] [英國] PLACEBO - Soulmates Never Die-Live in Paris 2003 [DVD9/6.92G]

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[英國] PLACEBO - Soulmates Never Die-Live in Paris 2003 [DVD9/6.92G]

英文名稱:PLACEBO-Soulmates Never Die-Live in Paris 2003

  Placebo基本來自英國,樂隊在1994年開始成形,當時Stefan Olsdal和Brian Molko在地下鐵車站中相遇,後來Stefan看見Brian彈吉他,之後便決定兩人組成樂隊"Ashtray Heart". 當時雖然Steven Hewitt是在樂隊中打鼓,但因合約關係並未能正式加入樂隊,之後Stefan介紹Robert Schultzberg給Brian,於是三人組成最初的Placebo,直至1996年,Steven Hewitt正式加入Placebo,取代了Robert Schultzberg的位置,組成現在的三人組合Placebo !在和the Sex Pistols、Weezer一道進行巡迴演出後,Placebo推出了首張專輯《Placebo》,其中單曲「Nancy Boy」成為了英國排行榜的第五位,樂隊還在慶祝著名搖滾藝人David Bowie50歲生日時演出了該曲。

 Placebo樂隊正式成軍於1995年1月,由美國人Brian Molko(主唱/吉他),來自瑞典的Stefan Olsdal(貝司/鍵琴)和土生土長的英國人Steve Hewitt(鼓)組建。樂隊多首單曲一舉登上了英國單曲榜。Brian Molko儼然如新一代搖滾樂巨星,被形容為是Mick Jagger(Rolling Stones樂隊)和Freddie Mercury(Queen樂隊)的混合體。Placebo,則被公認為是繼承了70年代盛極一時的華麗搖滾樂精髓並將其發揚光大的新世代華麗搖滾樂壇新掌門。
Placebo的華麗之音更趨深度、內省和迷離。多首作品電氣化的嘗試,表明樂隊不斷努力著創新之意;而詞作方面,依然是Brian Molko一如既往的愛情宿命論。Placebo確實是90年代最有影響力和最與眾不同的一個英倫樂隊。

Placebo has outlived them all, both in spirit and inspiration, and the best evidence of their continued, well-deserved success is Soulmates Never Die. This is a fantastic video, captured live at the Bercy concert hall in Paris. Don't be put off by the seemingly-clich&eacue;d intro with its freeze frames on both the band and the audience, or its slow tracking shots back over the audience. You'll soon be treated to the multiple camera setups and editing that effectively capture the boisterous personalities and enthusiasm of lead singer Brian Molko, mohawked bassist Stefan Osdal, and drummer Steve Hewitt, as well as the thousands of fans that packed the sold-out concert.

Molko is in top form here, not only favoring French-language chatter, to the delight of the audience, but also singing Protect Me in its French-language variant (unfortunately revealing the limitations of his slightly skewed pronunciation). The audience, as well, is top form, enthusiastic but not to the point of idolatry, which could have quickly become tiresome for viewers who aren't rabid fans.

Visually the concert is a treat, alternating between blurry, fake grainy VHS-quality footage and gorgeous full-DVD resolution. There's a complex mix of deliberate blur, usage of black and white, and slow motion, and this visual interest not only increases the excitement of the live show, but in the end adds to one's appreciation of the music.

The canonical quality concert film is Jonathan Demme's film of Talking Head's Stop Making Sense. There's no doubt in this reviewer's mind that Live in Paris is second only to that film.


1. Bullet Proof
2. Allergic
3. Every You Every Me
4. Bionic
5. Protege Moi
6. Plasticine
7. Bitter End
8. Soulmates
9. Black-Eyed
10. I'll Be Yours
11. Special Needs
12. English Summer Rain
13. Without You I'm Nothing
14. This Picture
15. Special K
16. Taste In Men
17. Slave To Wage
18. Peeping Tom
19. Pure Morning
20. Centerfolds
21. Where Is My Mind? (Featuring Frank Black of the Pixies)

This DVD contains the Documentary "Sleeping With Ghosts Tour".

Video /System VideoAL 720X576 Pixels, 16/9, Widescreen 1.78:1
Audio / Audio: Inglés: Stereo (320 Kbps), Dolby 5.1 (448 Kbps) y DTS 5.1 (768 Kbps)
Subtítulos /Subtitles (Sólo documental /Only Documentary): Inglés, Francés, Alemán, Italiano, Portugués y Espa?ol / English, French, Spanish, German, Italian
Extras / Bonus: Menús animados y Documental / Full Motion Menu with Musis and Documentary. Music /song Access with 22 cues and remote access.

