
大家會不會投訴這手奇牌 - 新葡京真人德州樸克

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大家會不會投訴這手奇牌 - 新葡京真人德州樸克

$20/40 max $2000, big blind $20 small $10

玩了2.5 hours 左右....

有個對手玩得很 tight!!! 甚少 raise pre-flop..:025:

我win 了 大約 $1,000:032:

i under the gun get AJo...:030:

tight player raise upto $110....:035:

因為他玩得很tight, 所有我fold 了 aj.... (一般一定see flop):027:


一flop 就開了 AJ8..... (DAMN, I GOT 2 PAIRS....):026: :026: :026:



還有一位未決定 CALL OR FOLD.....

但苛官看不見還有一位未決定, 她就發牌 , 開了 K, 當時其中1位已CALL 了 $100 的人客, 投訴要求MANAGER 決定消牌OR處理

最後好似不消牌, 重新洗過其他牌再CONTINUE..... (我不記得太清楚, 因為我FOLD了):035:

TURN 發 了 A..... (DAMN, I HAVE AAAJJ....... 必WIN 啦.....):043: :043:  :046: :046:

最後有人TIGHT PLAYER ALLIN, 有人跟 ........ 可以SHOW DOWN....

RIVER 8... (I.E  AJ8  A 8)


FOUR OF A KIND... VS MY AAAJJ... (IF I CALL....):096: :096: :096:

我想問如果大家不好采CALL了 這HAND.... 你會怎麼處理....

因為這HAND一定是人為錯誤 (我不是刻意去怪人....), 因為 AA HOLD CARDS AND GOT A FULL , BUT LOST TO quad.,,
我都試過兩次啦...!!!! 真的  :026:, 平均 1 million hands occur 1 time for me.....:025:

最後玩了5 hours 我就離開了.... (29 次中玩得最短的一日.....):028:

因為好多bad beat.... 我每get 2 pairs.... high pair high kick.... i bet... i being raised or check raised... and i fold...:029: :029:
raiser shown pp & full house.... or sets..... :023: :023:
我已經fold 了很多good hands..... 但是正確的... 否則最少輸 $5,000.....:036:

最後只win 了 $1,400.....:034:

歡迎大家或苛官回覆及討論 !!


不過想知  個game係個邊咁新
d dealer同manager知唔知得清楚咩突發情況應該要點做

最好佢地真係熟讀晒d rules

比我1定唔會  因為都係跟規矩做  deal錯都有deal錯既做法

再分享1手你聽   真經典
quads vs straight flush   omg

guy who hold pocket As pushed all-in pre-flop (he was short)
3 - 4 callers
flop came A 10 7  (A 10 spades)
guy had K-J spades  raised n everyone folded
turn came another A
river came the Q of spade  

thats a great hand

I think the floor ruled it correctly and that is pretty standard.  The floor at Grand Lisboa are foreigners and seems to be very experienced.

Also, in some casinoes in the U.S., this hand will qualify for the bad beat jackpot and everyone at the table will get paid.

多謝大家的意見!!! :071: :071:

只想問一問處理方法是否正確吧了... :097:

當時dealer 不知怎麼辦, 叫了個鬼佬 manager, 他想也不想, 就立即有決定, 所以我都覺得他做得很好...

但這手也是一手很特別的 hands...

因為 (real table, not machine or online) + dealer mistake + a high full vs quad..

幾樣一起出現而形成 大 beat bad, 對我的印象很深刻....



I lOST 2 times with 4 hearts.....on the river... (2 times)

I GOT AA, VS KK, all got allin by Kings....

the flop is: AKxx   and the river is K.... (1 time)

I GOT KK, VS AK , the flop come 22K...
I wents all in and called by AK..

turn is 2 and river is 2.... (2222 + A, beat my 2222 + K....) (2 times)

10 10 get 10 10 10 10 vs 44 get 4 4 4 4.....on the river... (1 time)

i got AA and form AAA99, lost to 99 get quads (2-3 times...)

flop to ROYAL FLUSH (2 times...) but I cannot win money, everyone check until river, I bet minimum and everybody fold.....

get tops sets and there is 46:1 underdog to hit the quad on the river... (2 times....)
big sets vs small sets, but outdrawn..

high sets vs low sets..
and nut straight on the river...
or flush on the river..... to splint the money... lost the rake...

I have also win more than HK$6,000 with AK, not hit...
because AK, vs AQ... and flop 22 68 T.....

Therefore, I think Holdem is a great game..... sometime we can win big with bad cards :071: , but may also be angry...
if got the nuts on flop and outdrawn on the river...:046:
原帖由 oldtownboy 於 2008-3-4 10:17 AM 發表

不過想知  個game係個邊咁新
d dealer同manager知唔知得清楚咩突發情況應該要點做

最好佢地真係熟讀晒d rules

回覆 #5 IBREAKU 的帖子

yea thats poker
thats why i have never blamed those river rats
great called n well played by them. i was juz unlucky LOL

eg AA vs 44   percentage of winning that hand is about 80% to 20% preflop

so AA would have lost once in 5 times   mathematically

Right!....  :025: ..

Sometime, I prefer to get TT OR JJ.. JTs, KQs... 9Ts or even 9Qs...

but for my hands analysis the most winning hands are still!!

AA, KK, bigger connector suited
原帖由 oldtownboy 於 2008-3-5 03:10 AM 發表
yea thats poker
thats why i have never blamed those river rats
great called n well played by them. i was juz unlucky LOL

eg AA vs 44   percentage of winning that hand is about 80% to 20% pre ...


呢舖牌無得唔跟, 只有1個可能性佢贏到你, 你咪賭係唔係咯...
如果你call既話 turn果陣都係你贏面大過佢嫁

原帖由 IBREAKU 於 2008-3-5 08:33 AM 發表
Right!....  :025: ..

Sometime, I prefer to get TT OR JJ.. JTs, KQs... 9Ts or even 9Qs...

but for my hands analysis the most winning hands are still!!

AA, KK, bigger connector suited

especially in the cash games, but not in tournaments
any player  would love to have it though   XDD

原帖由 IBREAKU 於 2008-3-3 02:26 PM 發表
但苛官看不見還有一位未決定, 她就發牌 , 開了 K, 當時其中1位已CALL 了 $100 的人客, 投訴要求MANAGER 決定消牌OR處理

最後好似不消牌, 重新洗過其他牌再CONTINUE..... (我不記得太清楚, 因為我FOLD了):035:  
不消牌, 重新洗過其他牌再CONTINUE<<<好似未聽過有條咁嘅例:092:
