
Texas Hold'em

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12  1.4k

原帖由 darylsing 於 2008-2-21 09:06 PM 發表
wow...2.5k USD is alot :023: dont know how to play bonus~~can u teach me?
so u play 4 table, so u only play about the card not to the player?
bonuses are pretty much free money that the poker site will give up upon you deposit money to play on their site. The bonuses will clear after you play a certain about of hands. (different with pokersites)      And yes. i only look at my own cards. i dont' have the time to read other players. because people come and go i dont' have time to read their playing style.  and 25 cent 10 cents table have very bad players.

原帖由 lostboi15 於 2008-1-29 01:19 AM 發表
hi bhchu3, do u have msn or any other ways that i can contact you with? i would like to meet some poker friends...i don't consider myself a very good poker player...but i'm willing to spend some  ...
Well, you did nothing wrong ..

U caught his buff, yet he was just luckier than u ..

there's only one thing i can say --  shiiiit happens! XDDDD :071:

[ 本帖最後由 colinkwok816 於 2008-3-11 11:49 PM 編輯 ]

