
Texas Hold'em

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Texas Hold'em

大家好...我而家等緊個pokerstars tourney 開始(仲有20分鍾...同埋係免費入場的...win 既都係美金...或者第1-第5名會得到入場卷玩50,000 USD 既比賽)....

我以前成日係LA都係去賭場玩...岩岩返左黎hk...都會上pokerstars 玩...估唔到原來澳門都有得玩了...原來係hong kong 都已經咁多人認識依個game...
有冇興趣大家交流下texas hold'em?

p.s I'm just a part-time poker player...

[ 本帖最後由 lostboi15 於 2008-1-29 02:33 AM 編輯 ]

i play on pokerstar as well

hi bhchu3, do u have msn or any other ways that i can contact you with? i would like to meet some poker friends...i don't consider myself a very good poker player...but i'm willing to spend some time to learn more advance strategy or methods to win...

do you think this game is mostly luck?
i played the tourney last night...guess what happened...

i have Ace King suited...this guy with 3 6 off suit pushed all in preflop with all his chips...i called of coz with all my chips...then this other guy called with Ace Ten off suit...motha fuqka...J 4 4 came on the flop...a 3 on the turn...and rubbish river...me and the Ace Ten lost to his 3 6 off suit...what kinda bullshiet is that? what do you think about this case? do u think i shouldn't call his all in?

回覆 #3 lostboi15 的帖子

I am a poker dealer in USA, this situation the guy want to buff the pot, but he caught the luck, ow can u do,


im a poker dealer in Melbourne, in this case they play so loose bcos is freeroll.....lol

what is the best thing to do when going against loose players and lotto players (str8 up luck)?
should i just avoid them? even though with A K or like pocket 9s or below? what do u think will work best for going against players like that? the highest pocket pair i folded was the ladies...and it was a very correct move too...
have any of you ever folded Aces? and why folding it?  is it because too many callers? but in my point of view...i would never fold Aces...maybe because the cards looks too good to me...

i play on pokerstar and fulltilt.  we can talk.  i been playing for about 2 years.

原帖由 diabloiiij 於 2008-2-21 03:56 PM 發表
i play on pokerstar and fulltilt.  we can talk.  i been playing for about 2 years.
wow 2 years. so u should win alot. so how much u won in total in past 2 years? how many table u play in same time? what kind of game and table u will preferr to play?

回覆 #8 darylsing 的帖子

i won about 2.5k USD total. like 500 of it are from fulltilt's bonus.  pokerstar's bonus is very  hard to clear.  i mostly play .10/.25  and .25/.50 table.  usually 4 tables.

wow...2.5k USD is alot :023: dont know how to play bonus~~can u teach me?
so u play 4 table, so u only play about the card not to the player?
