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Jockey Dye faces long HK hospital stint

Champion jockey Shane Dye is recovering well from brain surgery but is expected to remain in hospital for between two and four weeks.

But the signs are encouraging that he will make a full recovery from head injuries suffered in a fall at Hong Kong's Sha Tin racecourse on Sunday.

Friends and family have travelled to Hong Kong to be with Dye who underwent surgery to relieve pressure on his brain after his mount Ambitious Marju came down in the second race.

Dye's first wife Karla, their son Nicholas and Karla's husband, former rugby league star Paul Langmack, flew to Hong Kong from Sydney on Monday and were buoyed by his progress.

"Shane is starting to talk in patches but dozing off because of the medications," Langmack told Sydney radio 2KY.

"He is starting to tell everyone what to do.

"He also has some bad chest and back pain and is getting physio.

"But he's blowing up because he can't ride on Sunday."

New Zealand champion rider turned trainer Lance O'Sullivan, who was indentured to his father Dave at the same time as Dye, cut short a family holiday to go to Hong Kong while Dye's close friend, former jockey Mick Dittman, flew from Singapore.

O'Sullivan's brother Paul is the trainer of Ambitious Marju.

Langmack said Dye had was astounded by the contingent.

"He said 'does everyone think I am going to die because all these people are here'," Langmack said.

"The response to what has happened is amazing.

"Racing is a bit like soccer, it brings everyone together.

"In rugby league and cricket, it's not like that."

copy from: http://www.aapracingandsports.co ... wsart.asp?NID=87770


原帖由 charmbus 於 2006-6-27 10:12 PM 發表
Jockey Dye faces long HK hospital stint

Champion jockey Shane Dye is recovering well from brain surgery but is expected to remain in hospital for between two and four weeks.

But the signs are ...
鬥志冇番咁上下,真係冇命都似.而家2-4 weeks就ok,真係唔係一般病人可以做到.

原帖由 FBI2 於 2006-6-28 10:29 發表

鬥志冇番咁上下,真係冇命都似.而家2-4 weeks就ok,真係唔係一般病人可以做到.

Langmack said Dye had was astounded by the contingent.
"does everyone think I am going to die because all these people are here'
"The response to what has happened is amazing."

原帖由 lamborghinihk 於 2006-6-27 10:21 PM 發表
anyway 希望佢早日慷復

[ 本帖最後由 h2o2n 於 2006-6-28 05:22 PM 編輯 ]


I love Dye.
Lucky belong to us.


戴勝 好野!!!!!!!!!!!!!喜皇寶 勁財寶 勝利飛駒  都等緊你~~~~~~~~~

