
[自seed] (Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH01 2008-10-09 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

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(Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH01 2008-10-09 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

[自seed](Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH01 2008-10-09 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 255 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

picture Link

9 Oct 2008        pilot

Bound together by their Ivy League educations and boardroom successes, four prominent Manhattan women – Zoe Burden, Mia Mason, Juliet Draper, and Caitlin Dowd – are living the lives that others only dream of. The youngest ever Managing Director at a big investment bank, Zoe is constantly trying to strike just the right balance between the demands of her career and those of a being wife and mother. Her business school classmate Mia is climbing the ladder to the top of a magazine publishing group, while Juliet, the COO of a large luxury hotel chain, is a fierce competitor in the boardroom as well as a successful charity fundraiser. And cosmetics company executive Caitlin has a brilliant track record at work that stands in stark contrast to an unsatisfying romantic life.

集愛情、友情與職場角力的最新女性劇集《BAILEYS Presents:手袋黨》將於本周起於明珠台播出。本劇由《色慾都市》的編劇和製作人Darren Star製作,而為《色慾都市》角色擔任服裝指導的Patricia Field亦特別出任本劇其中兩集的服裝指導,令劇中四位女主角造型更奪目。特別值得一提的是香港觀眾熟悉華裔女星劉玉玲(Lucy Liu)亦是四位女主角之一。

劇情講述四名「常春藤」名校畢業的曼克頓女強人,Mia、Zoe、Juliet和Caitlin,事業上都得到毋庸置疑的成功,擁有別人夢寐以求 的生活,但卻要面對職場上的勾心鬥角,又要應付層出不窮的家庭和感情問題。四人的友誼與互相支持,讓她們得以輕鬆上路,度過一個又一個的難關,特別容易引 發職場女性的共鳴。

(Pearl) Cashmere Mafia CH01  2008-10-09 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) Cashmere Mafia CH01  2008-10-09 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) Cashmere Mafia CH01  2008-10-09 [DivX].torrent
