
澳門星際有 nl texas holdem nl$1000 or nl$2000

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$50/$100 in which the small blind is $25 and the big blind is $50 so $50 x 100 = $5000 (full buyin)

As for your recommendation, I agree.. :097:

Actually, Playing at Macau, Austr. Casino or Online can win Great money, if you are good players..:071:

and I can tell you some players are multi-players who play online from Mon - Fri and he play at Macau at Weakend and there are long vocation, they will visit LA or LV!!!:025: :034:

Most players reply from formus and they always only compared Macau, (machine / real dealer), Online with one perspective..

they are only play one way poker.. only online or only real dealer :035:

Actually, professional players will play ALL the above game frequently.. and why they switch the playing mode ?...

and the answer is playing online is very bored sometime and standlone
sometime, when they have played for 4000 hands from Monday to Friday, they will bored and no willing to play again at the same place... therefore, they will move to another place.. (e.g Macua...)
and they need to play face to face game sometime and relax at Macau (like have dinner, today I go to have chinese food, saturday I go to have japanese food....)

Mostly I can raise AA... but actually I will raise 56s.....

and I feel.. different game have their advantages and I love to play different style in different location(super-aggressive, sometime I like to play tight)...
and I am going to visit Macau tonight.. but may be the wether is very cold or it will be cancelled... :092:
原帖由 waterwaterzzz 於 2008-1-25 07:31 AM 發表
50/100 WITH 5000 MAX BUY-IN?

if no-limit game. 50/100 that mean small blind 50 big blind 100 u have to Min.call/bet with 100 on the "Flop"

if limit game. 50/100 that mean 25 small blind big blind 50. "Flop" Min. call/bet with 50 "Turn" Min.call/bet with 100

everywhere is like this.

If then I play in Canada 5/10 no-limit is 70/140 in Macau as u explain ? lol itz make no sens..."Cards Players" that magazine talk about APPT, the creator...Jerry xxxxx (the guy where glass..) I play with him in hk last xmas in private game .... he talk about the game in macau in hk too. the nolimit....X/Y X is not small blind and Y is the big blind for sure...may u make a mistake. Ibreaku.

[ 本帖最後由 darylsing 於 2008-1-25 11:27 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 darylsing 於 2008-1-25 11:21 PM 發表
if no-limit game. 50/100 that mean small blind 50 big blind 100 u have to Min.call/bet with 100 on the "Flop"

if limit game. 50/100 that mean 25 small blind big blind 50. "Flop ...
as he said there's only NL game in macau..
so i thought 50/100 means 50 sb and 100 bb ..
but i think i got it now..
its 25/50 NL with max 5000...should say it like this way i reckon..

um. it is like 3-6 no limit then.

3-6 is tight already...what the.....

Sorry, This is not my mistake, if you don't believe, please visit Macau and see what the machine show..

$20/$40 and the small blind really $10 and big blind is $20 and Max buying is $2000..

If this structure is relly wrong, it is the wrong of Macau Casino but not me, right :025:
原帖由 darylsing 於 2008-1-25 11:21 PM 發表
if no-limit game. 50/100 that mean small blind 50 big blind 100 u have to Min.call/bet with 100 on the "Flop"

if limit game. 50/100 that mean 25 small blind big blind 50. "Flop ...

  come on...chill man just discussing....no offense...I am also saying the structure in most casino in US and CA, so when u come to LA/LV will not surprise why u sitting in a 5/10 no limit why the small blind is 5 not 2.5,rite?

thank you for your advice, Darylsing :071:

Are you a professional poker players, I heart you have book a hotel for a week for the APPT? What table you would like to sit normally? NL US$1000 or US$2000 or others?

Ok, this is not a problem, because I will bring at least 10 - 15 times full buyin to play game every night..  

it is impossible for me to lose all money (10 - 15 full buyin) within a night, but I feel comfortable to do so... :097:
原帖由 darylsing 於 2008-1-26 02:10 PM 發表
  come on...chill man just discussing....no offense...I am also saying the structure in most casino in US and CA, so when u come to LA/LV will not surprise why u sitting in a 5/10 no  ...

I am not pro dude. I dont that seriously, beside i didnt say I book a hotel for APPT. Maybe u should check back the post. I were going Macau for "fun" with my gf ...e.g eat and shopping. !0-15 full buy-in is quite alot for me(i am just a student ). If I lose 3-4 buy-in. it really not my day, I will open seat :097: as i said. I like poker but itz is not my job. In big tour in canada there have Cash game around there with ton of ppl. 5-10 no limit i will pefer.

原帖由 IBREAKU 於 2008-1-26 09:38 AM 發表
Sorry, This is not my mistake, if you don't believe, please visit Macau and see what the machine show..

$20/$40 and the small blind really $10 and big blind is $20 and Max buying is $2000..
the way that they set for the structure is wrong..
its mis leading many ppl..

原帖由 IBREAKU 於 2008-1-26 04:06 PM 發表
thank you for your advice, Darylsing :071:

Are you a professional poker players, I heart you have book a hotel for a week for the APPT? What table you would like to sit normally? NL US$1000  ...
the only pro here is u i reckon...LOL..
