
[其他] 全職足球投注不是夢

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原帖由 sam2305 於 2013-3-29 04:39 PM 發表 查看引用來源

I can't see any problem. Also, the dividend payout ratio varies in different bet pools.
For Asia Handicap, Jockey Club sometimes even has a higher payout ratio than Macau.

Re Rona Ching. Exact solution is still under r&d stage, still trial and error stage :p. but my concept is base on a fixed percentage over stake at betting time interval, e.g. Maximum 5% on your balance and depend on your probability index of that match. First of all, i will record my average gearing ratio (performance: accuracy percentage / avg net odds you can derive from bets) should be in data. As this is crucial in determining bet amount each time and losing risk buffer can stress. Diff betting stragegy should base on individual betting performance. should collect data and breakdown of performance, and observe the stragegy should take on constant betting. I agree with ching that capital management is a rather difficult topic, but my attitude tends to be on constant small bets and achieve certain targets per period of time, to make use the power of compound rating.

Re cchan Ching: 感謝開出此特別的post.

Re Rona Ching. 可能自己是普通讀書人,比較理論長說,紙上談兵,請勿見怪 ;)

i like bet in high/low this pool

i always like to bet low,such as today tips,三箭 this match,i bet low already

原帖由 sam2305 於 2013-3-30 11:17 AM 發表 查看引用來源
i like bet in high/low this pool

i always like to bet low,such as today tips,三箭 this match,i bet low already
What is high low?big or small?

回覆 18# Fai07103 的帖子


原帖由 ar_matt_1679 於 2013-3-30 05:18 AM 發表 查看引用來源
Re Rona Ching. 可能自己是普通讀書人,比較理論長說,紙上談兵,請勿見怪 ;)
Only rational people can beat the market, so no need to look down on yourself

I got the same personality like you, a theoretical person. But our weakness, lack of decision power, sometimes hinder our success.
