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I really liked show in June when nada , senba , izawa , kase was on ........
But more and more I see this show ...... I kind of start like this months show ...

Rockza always choose music nicely !!!

回覆 31# 的帖子

100% agree. I was talking to a few C-hings after the 4:30pm show. I have thought that the June show was the best that could be offered but I am now not surprised that this one will be as good and possibly even better after Hiro and Maria gets more relaxed. After all they have not yet completed the first week (the last show on Sunday will be the completion of the first week) and they are already so good you do expect they will just keep improving.

I still like June show as I really liked last scene ..... but I start like this months show for sure ..... especially I meet all dancers yesterday !



回覆 33# 的帖子

The last scene for this show is good as well. I agree the last scene of the June show was really good but the current one only loses by a hair.:smile_15:

everyone has diffrent opinion ..... so thats good !

有冇 close-up 睇西部?

回覆 38# 的帖子

What do mean by close? I am not revealing anything here. You go and watch (and enjoy)!


good sharing
