
有幾多人識玩TExas Holdem?

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2  2.1k

Type: No Limit / Limit
Number of people: 2

I reckon the "number of people" should be 4 now..

nozizz I see that you have put a lot of effort in developing your website, very informative, but the affiliate link is just too obvious lol.

I mean affiliate business is prolly something you thought of in making $, but get some reputation first. Why should others use your link? Why don't I go to 888.com directly? What is that you offer?

It's a competitive business, afterall.

係 club 定係咩? pub/bar? 駛唔駛 join 會員?

始終玩 live 我都係驚俾人拉同埋識埋d 唔三唔四既人
但又勁想玩live, 超矛盾

如果大學有 poker society 你話幾好
