
[商業及文書] 【PDF轉WORD】Solid Converter PDF Pro 3.1.437

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【PDF轉WORD】Solid Converter PDF Pro 3.1.437

【檔案名稱】:Solid Converter PDF Pro 3.1.437
【檔案大小】:15.9 MB7 S0 P8 \/ l4 L7 o+ B
【使用心得】:用過很多款PDF轉WORD軟...覺得這套轉換後格式保持相當完整又美觀,故分享與各位一起使用!* H" v6 u( d! C0 e/ G
安裝說明4 ]% T) X: e) W: [$ ]
4 q' n. o& z) b; I5 ^
1.安裝主程式 Solid Converter PDF Pro 3.1.437
2.顯示 Restart your computer now? 取消勾選,Close
3.將 Crack 裡面的 ConverterCore.dll 和 SCPDFCreator.dll 覆蓋原程式,預設安裝位置為 C:\Program Files\SolidDocuments\SolidConverterPDF\SCPDF
4.重新開機,快樂使用9 Y5 s' T9 M6 A0 ]7 e' ~8 I6 O
  e1 d" L! v1 f; K/ y& X: e
2 j+ S# |( @9 y3 \- t
好的話請回覆^v^4 c7 Z' {0 m; f+ _+ x
( |. i; o" }( R

[ 本帖最後由 Crayonz 於 2008-8-13 07:48 PM 編輯 ]


thanks try try sin!

回覆 1# 的帖子

I can't download it. It failed. Please advise how should I do, I find this PDF converter for a long time. Pls teach me how to download it.

downloading... thank you for your sharing

Thank you very much  

what is the passwords???

what is the password ......

感謝樓主thank you
