
BT下載軟體加速器(BT Helper v1.4)

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BT下載軟體加速器(BT Helper v1.4)

BT下載軟體加速器(BT Helper v1.4)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        軟體格式】:RAR

圖例是我在2007/01/19下午6點下載PILI布袋戲時的下載速度(830KB/S  最後平均是125KB/S) 431MB用48分鐘下載完成 還有更快的860KB/S 我只做此圖例



1.BT Helper軟體可以在BT下載期間 極迅速的搜尋更多的種子 並且作立即連結
2.BT Helper軟體可以讓BT下載速度 比平常快出100%以上
3.BT Helper軟體是目前唯一可以提供電腦硬碟下載BT的保護功能軟體
4.BT Helper軟體是BT種子的最有效最完美的下載引擎

BT Helper v1.4

BT Helper can help you that optimize BT-Client software, accelerate the download speed and Protect you hard

disk. It can't replace BT-Client software, but it is a professional BT-Client assistant software t. The

computer optimized via BT Helper will improve the speed of connection while downloading, it can accelerate the

speed to find more seeds and immediately connected to them. Generally, BT Helper can expedite speed to 100%

more than usual. Besides, BT Helper is the only software that could provide disk protect function for

BitTorrent download. The software use the best BT Engine to optimize the downloading speed for BitTorrent.

     Can work with all kinds of BitTorrent-Client.
    Optimize PC to fit download of BitTorrent.
    Speedup download speed about 100% max.
    Unique disk protect function.
    The software use the best BT Engine to optimize the downloading speed for BitTorrent.

Require system: Win98/2000/ME/XP/2003
See product.txt for information.

