
[音訊] VLC Media Player 1.00.2206 Pre 1 媒體播放器

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VLC Media Player 1.00.2206 Pre 1 媒體播放器

【軟體名稱】:VLC Media Player
【軟體版本】:1.00.2206 Pre 1
【系統需求】:Microsoft Windows 98/ME/XP/2000/Vista

VLC Media Player - Universal multimedia player to recreate a large number of audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DIVX, DVD, VCD), combining high quality and ease of management. In doing so, VLC Media Player does not require installing any additional modules, since all the codecs are already contained in it.

One of the features of VLC player is the ability to play almost any type of streaming (streaming) video.
A large number of changes, additions and corrections. New interface for all supported platforms. Added many new capabilities and supported codecs and filters. New protocols and codecs for video playback. Enhanced metadata support for audio (with the possibility of editing). It is now possible to listen to audio when changing the playback speed. Expanded support for developers.

VLC media player 是一款完全免費、影音品質高的DVD播放軟體,它能夠支援時下絕大多數的影音檔案,例如 .avi 、 .mpeg 、 .rm 、 .mp3 、 .mov……等常見的影音格式,就連必須連上網路進行播放的串流媒體通訊協定(mms://)它也能照撥無誤。其他如影片的亮度調整、色彩飽和度的微調的功能,也都在它的支援之列。至於詳細的檔案格式支援列表,由於程式仍屬於更新頻繁的階段,因此會不斷解決部分格式不相容的問題,筆者建議使用者直接參考此列表,以獲得最新的資訊。

VLC media player 的另一項特色是能夠將影片的播放直接嵌入桌面,讓使用者的桌面背景直接就是正在播放的影片,如此就能夠可以一邊操作桌面上的工作、一邊觀看影片囉。
★ 免責聲明 ★
